
Mom, Wife, Crafter, Household Manager, Cat Puke Picker Upper, Gardener, Home Chef, and General Doer of All Things.

I have to say when I started my adult life long ago, I was FIRM on the fact that I would NEVER have kids.

Fast forward to my 30’s, and now I have two (planned LOL) beautiful children, a wonderful and hardworking hubby, a comfortable and welcoming home, a crafting hobby, and so many other blessings.

Had you told me 10 years ago I’d be starting a Mommy Blog, I’d have laughed in your face.  I was writing about dog agility and other dog sports, all things horses, and our crazy vacations, but never thought I’d be writing about poop explosions, whether washable paint really DOES wash out, or wrestling a headstrong toddler to the floor just to get some antibiotic in her mouth then spit back out all over me.  I never thought I’d be worrying about formula, or getting a 3 year old to eat real food, or postpartum medical issues.  It just goes to show you that sometimes you don’t really know the path you’re supposed to be on, but somehow most people make it there anyway.

This blog will follow me on my new journey, as I embark on the daunting adventure of becoming a first time “Stay-at-Home-Mom” and the trials, tribulations, and successes that go along with.  Buckle up, I think we’re in for a ride!