Notes from an ordinary Wednesday

Notes from an ordinary Wednesday…

-Tatum after going through her goody bag from the dentist on Monday: “Are you SERIOUS right now? I can’t believe they gave me THIS toothpaste. *big sigh/eye roll* I don’t LIKE this toothpaste…. are you for REAL?!?”

-“Mommy, can I have an Oreo for breakfast?”….. “After you eat a whole banana, you can have one Oreo”….. “Tell you what, Mommy, how about TWO.”

-Tatum running down the hall to use the bathroom (which is currently occupied by Grandpa taking a shower but I guess he forgot to lock the door)… *major giggles* “GRANDPA IS NEKKID!!!!!” Whoops….. sorry grandpa! 😱🤭

-Wyatt at dinner at Texas Roadhouse….. “Man, he’s turned into such a super grabby kid, you wouldn’t believe how quick he is!!!” while I set him in a high chair and in a split second he grabs an entire bucket of peanuts and dumps them all over himself…… guess he’s not allergic to peanuts…. 😂🤦‍♀️

“What, you wanted these to STAY folded?”

Nerd dog made another appearance at obedience school today, so there’s that…

Oh, and my in-laws brought back a crap ton of chocolate from France, so I’ll see y’all in a couple days or about 20 extra pounds, whichever comes first! 😂

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