Things Kids Say

Things Kids Say…..

Tatum comes walking sadly into the kitchen, holding her hand all funny like it hurts really bad.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?”

“Mommy, my hand hurts, because it’s tired of waiting for Daddy to come home from work.  He’s taking SO LONG.”


Oh, heeeyyyy daycare…..

Thank you SO MUCH for loading my kid up with a brownie AND a M&M cookie on the way out the door today.  I surely loved cleaning up the ungodly amounts of chocolate ALL OVER HER PERSON including UP HER NOSE after a 4 MINUTE car ride home.  *sigh*

Well played, daycare, well…… played……


Words (Not) to Live By…

Last night while Wade was putting Wyatt to bed, I was washing dishes from dinner while Tatum was playing in the living room.  We have a rule about no screen time after 6:45pm, so it was pretty quiet except for the running water from the sink.

So here I am, washing away, and all of a sudden I hear her sweet little toddler voice….

“$hit….. I forgot puppy!!!”

And she runs off towards her room.  I thought, surely I heard that wrong, so I followed her down the hall.

“Tatum, what did you just say???”

“I forgot Puppy?”

“Before that.”

“Oh, $hit?”

“Yes honey, that’s a bad word, we don’t say that, ok?  It’s not nice, so we don’t use it.”

“What, $HIT?!?!”


Parenting fail over here, and this one is totally my fault.  I will admit it’s probably the swear word I use the most.  Gonna have to work on curbing that one.  Whoops!

In other, BETTER, parenting news: This little dude is 8 months old today, and I can’t believe how fast time has flown!  He loves grabbing at things (and I mean EVERYTHING that a dude can grab at if you know what I mean, so diaper changes are… challenging), baby food (especially the textured kind), hanging out with the LADIES (total flirt), his Big Sister, and his Bun Bun.  He doesn’t have much he doesn’t like, to be honest, but I guess I’d have to say baby puffs aren’t his cup of tea, and he’s not a huge fan of waking up in the dark if he thinks he’s alone – but once he sees you he’s completely fine.

All this rain is KILLING me with Biscuit, as while she WILL go outside and pee without supervision, she still requires me to come tromping out into the yard (aka, Lake Hanchar) to watch her take a crap.  Then she gleefully runs through the water to the back door because her favorite part (remember, my dog is a super nerd) of getting wet is getting towel dried off.  LOL.  She’s a serious nut.  The good news is she’s pretty much 100% now on potty training, and it’s been super smooth sailing on that front.  Never thought I’d be wearing my muck boots in 4 inches of standing water in my backyard.  Turd floater, for sure.


“This wet stuff falling from the sky is a little concerning, I think?”

I was also watching her run around today thinking, DANG this dog has gotten tall and lanky on me already!  Pocket Collie, she is not.  LOL

What I don’t understand….

Is why they can make so many cameras with such amazing video quality so cheaply but they can’t seem to apply that technology to baby monitors?? Someone tell me how it is that a red light camera can capture my license plate at 45mph so freaking clearly but I have a hard time telling if my toddler is actually in her bed at night on our expensive-ass baby monitor. (And yes, I watched the video, and no, there’s no argument, I just paid my embarrassing fine.)


So the day started out pretty crappy and pretty much stayed that way or got slightly worse throughout the day. I woke up with a sore scratchy throat and a hideous headache behind my right eye. I can’t tell if I’m getting sick or if the headache is my Pars Planitis acting up again. If it’s the Pars that’s fairly bad considering I’ve been on immunosuppressants for a while now, but if it’s sick that’s ALSO bad since I’ve been on immunosuppressants. I love how my doctor tells me I need to be super careful and try not to get sick but he knows I HAVE TWO YOUNG KIDS. I mean, I basically live with all the germs on earth. As much as I love my kids, toddlers are for real like the walking plague. Gah!!

Then I slammed my finger in the bedroom door trying to get Tatum out the door to school. Luckily I already had her in the van, but that didn’t stop her from hearing my extremely loud swearing coming from inside the house as I bled everywhere looking for a bandaid.

“Mommy, who were you yelling at?”

“No one, sweetie.”

“But you were talking to your mother?”

Gulp. “Ummmm, no, honey, I was just sad that I hurt my finger”

“Oh, ok”

Please, dear lord, don’t let her have heard that clear enough to repeat it at school. I swear, mother of the year I am not. *sigh*

This little cutie kept me occupied for a while, but Checkers has been barfing off and on for a while and today it got so bad I really felt she needed to go to the vet. Wade took her in this afternoon while I stayed with Wyatt.

The good news is she’s probably fine. Bloodwork comes back tomorrow but they gave her meds and fluids to get her back on track. She’s in remarkably good shape for a 16 year old cat. Bad news? Wade came home with pills.

PILLS…… for CHECKERS. #NotIt #NotMYCat

For real, vet, come on….

Wade is all “they gave me this pill popper thing to use…” and I just cut him off.

You’re talking to the cat pilling champ of 1999-2005 here, dude.

And I’m proud to say, I still got skillz. Wade came in to “assist” but I had that pill jammed down that cat’s hatch so fast she had no clue she even got medicine. Wade just sat there stunned and asked “Wtf just happened here? That cat doesn’t even know she just got owned. For real, she’s still HAPPY?!? That was freaking awesome.”

Hazard pay, my friend, because if you want something done right, you hire the professional to do it. Isn’t that the way big business works?

It kind of backfired on me though because now he wants me to go get a job at the vet seeing as apparently none of their techs seemed as competent. Lol!

The day ended up with more…… torrential…… flooding……. rain. I seriously can’t take much more rain. I had to put waders on to take the dog out to go potty in our backyard. Tomorrow Biscuit and I are going to practice dock diving off the back patio. This rain needs to STOP ALREADY!

I think the cookies are trying to tell me something….

I’m hoping this means I should just keep on keeping on with The Carousel Cowgirl and things will start kicking into high gear! I’ve already had a much more successful Jan/Feb than I expected, so there’s that! I get in these funks with my crafting, and this year it seems to be worse because I’m also in a SAHM funk (more on that later), but I’m trying hard to drag myself out of it and land on top of my game again.

Poor Wade, his cookie didn’t even have a fortune in it. I wonder what that means? Can’t be good. Ha!!

SAHM Funk: Let’s get real for a minute. I know this is totally going to sound very “First World Problem” to a lot of you, but lately I’m having a tough go of the SAHM thing. Don’t get me wrong, I love being at home with Wyatt, and the extra time with Tatum when she’s not at school. I am also super grateful to Wade for making it all possible for me. But after a while, there’s only so much sitting at home staring at your adorable son who is incapable of having a conversation with you, adult or otherwise, that one can take. I feel so isolated so much of the time. It’s a funny cycle because the more isolated you feel, the more you kind of hole up in the house and dread going out.

I know, it seems stupid, but it’s real. I spend a lot of time with no adult interaction and it’s starting to get to me. I have very few friends who don’t work, and so yes, I need to make some more SAHM friends. The problem with that is that the flu is so bad right now it’s a little scary venturing out to playgroups and whatnot. Also (and those of you who know me well may be surprised at this) but I’ve started having a lot of social anxiety centered around these Moms Groups.

“I don’t know anyone that will be there.”

“What if no one talks to me?”

“What if they don’t like me?”

Dude, it’s like school days all over again. I start to freak out a little inside at the thought of having to CREATE intelligent conversations, when inside that’s all I’m craving.

Weird. I know. *sigh*

So now I’ve decided I need to “date” the friends I have, and force myself into some new social situations to make some new ones.

Sounds easy, right?

If only. 😦

Well….. I think I’ll just…..

We went dress shopping this afternoon for Tatum’s first Daddy Daughter dance – Lord have mercy on my soul…..

We figured we’d have better luck wrestling her into it on Saturday if she helped pick it. I know you seasoned moms are laughing your asses off right now but I didn’t know any better.

After lots of screaming, fits, and tears (from both females involved) we picked a dress and headed out to the car with it. As we pulled out of the parking lot Wade asked Tatum if she was excited to wear her dress on Saturday.

“Weellllll….” she says “I think I’ll just pick a different dress from my closet….”

The hell you will, my little Threenager. 🙄😂

If you’re just catching up on our weekend we started it out on Saturday with our first set of toddler stitches (on her FACE) brought about by a combination of crazy toddler and a lack of listening/watching where she’s going.


Sunday she woke up completely back to normal but wouldn’t let me take her bandai off to change it. Finally I convinced her with a conversation heart bandaid for the change-up!

Since then I have managed to round out the edges when cutting the bandaid, so we’re both improving at this 😂

Baby Wyatt has been working on a pretty nasty cold this weekend but still no fever so I have hope he’ll kick it on his own and I won’t have to drag him into the doctor in the middle of all this nasty flu.

Biscuit is doing really well. She’s been 100% on potty training for the last 2 weeks or so, and is super smart and really catching on to the limited training we’ve done so far. MAN this pup has some stamina!!! She’s seriously like the energizer bunny! Lol!

She’s been trying her hand at a little product modeling, we’ll see where that goes. If nothing else the swag is nice! Ha!