Parenting is hard…

Parenting is hard…. super hard, ridiculously hard, but the hardest part of parenting?

Not laughing when your kid does or says something totally inappropriate or hilarious, because you CAN’T.

You CAN’T laugh, crack a smile, show any sign of weakness, do ANYTHING except keep that stone face mug with eyes trained directly forward, like NOTHING HAPPENED.  Because if you do, if you show any sign at ALL that you thought that was even REMOTELY amusing, they’ll do it again….. and again and again and again.

They’re watching you…..  ALWAYS watching.

Case in point:

You’re driving home from dinner with Granddaddy and the two kids in the car.  Your 3.5 year old daughter starts singing “Uptown Funk”, however because she’s 3.5 years old, she’s conspicuously leaving out the “n” in “Funk”.

Hilarious….. but not good.

So you manage the stone face, you don’t crack. You’re in amazement at your self control.

Then your dad (Granddaddy) starts laughing….. and it’s all over.  You can’t hold it in anymore.  It’s funny, and you’re laughing, and now you’re truly screwed.

Fast forward to today, your husband takes said 3.5 year old into the grocery store to grab a couple things while you wait in the car.  He comes back with a funny look on his face, and he says “Tatum was singing a rather…… inappropriate….. song in the grocery store.  Not sure what it was.  Tatum, what was that song again?”

“Uptown Funk?” I supply helpfully.  “Without the ‘N’?”

Oh…. yeah….. that was it.

Words (Not) to Live By…

Last night while Wade was putting Wyatt to bed, I was washing dishes from dinner while Tatum was playing in the living room.  We have a rule about no screen time after 6:45pm, so it was pretty quiet except for the running water from the sink.

So here I am, washing away, and all of a sudden I hear her sweet little toddler voice….

“$hit….. I forgot puppy!!!”

And she runs off towards her room.  I thought, surely I heard that wrong, so I followed her down the hall.

“Tatum, what did you just say???”

“I forgot Puppy?”

“Before that.”

“Oh, $hit?”

“Yes honey, that’s a bad word, we don’t say that, ok?  It’s not nice, so we don’t use it.”

“What, $HIT?!?!”


Parenting fail over here, and this one is totally my fault.  I will admit it’s probably the swear word I use the most.  Gonna have to work on curbing that one.  Whoops!

In other, BETTER, parenting news: This little dude is 8 months old today, and I can’t believe how fast time has flown!  He loves grabbing at things (and I mean EVERYTHING that a dude can grab at if you know what I mean, so diaper changes are… challenging), baby food (especially the textured kind), hanging out with the LADIES (total flirt), his Big Sister, and his Bun Bun.  He doesn’t have much he doesn’t like, to be honest, but I guess I’d have to say baby puffs aren’t his cup of tea, and he’s not a huge fan of waking up in the dark if he thinks he’s alone – but once he sees you he’s completely fine.

All this rain is KILLING me with Biscuit, as while she WILL go outside and pee without supervision, she still requires me to come tromping out into the yard (aka, Lake Hanchar) to watch her take a crap.  Then she gleefully runs through the water to the back door because her favorite part (remember, my dog is a super nerd) of getting wet is getting towel dried off.  LOL.  She’s a serious nut.  The good news is she’s pretty much 100% now on potty training, and it’s been super smooth sailing on that front.  Never thought I’d be wearing my muck boots in 4 inches of standing water in my backyard.  Turd floater, for sure.


“This wet stuff falling from the sky is a little concerning, I think?”

I was also watching her run around today thinking, DANG this dog has gotten tall and lanky on me already!  Pocket Collie, she is not.  LOL


Had a great day with my friend Sarah, which ended in us going to El Flamboyan for lunch, this awesome little hole-in-the-wall Puerto Rican place near the house!  We absolutely STUFFED ourselves, and I was super happy to see an honest-to-goodness Puerto Rican Mofongo on the menu!


(The mofongo is on the bottom right. Also included are Empanadas, tostones, and yucca frita…. YUM)


Our otherwise relatively incident free day ended when Tatum somehow pulled a plastic toy down off a shelf with a direct hit to her mouth.  The drama and screaming that ensued… *sigh*  She cut her lip with her tooth, but once she woke up today seemed fine so there’s that. =)

In other news, Wyatt is wearing a 0-3month sleeper!  Woot!  It fits fairly decent length-wise, but much like Tatum at this age it looks like a deflated balloon around his middle.  LOL!



While Wyatt had a MUCH better night and day today, Tatum had probably her worst in a while. She worked Wade and I to the absolute max…

She woke up fairly cranky, and it just got worse from there. We headed to the Farmers Market in McKinney for a little outing and I wrapped Wyatt for a little more practice and she was supposedly going to walk, but instead she tripped (AGAIN) on these damn sandals she has that she insists on wearing everywhere and skinned her left knee. It wasn't bad, but if you know Tatum you know it was a drama fest that ended with her insisting she couldn't walk and making Wade carry her. I wish I'd brought the onbu so I could have worn them both, but I doubt Wade would have let me do that anyway since that makes him look kinda jerky walking all unencumbered while I haul two kids around! Lol!

Of course they also had pony rides and we couldn't get out of there without doing that. At least she was happy for the couple minutes that was going on!

We headed to Lonestar to drop off more stuff for the booth and I ended up taking her in with me while Wade stayed with Wyatt in the car. I'm just realizing I placed the grey frame on the right way too high for someone of normal height so I'm going to have to get back up there this coming week and redo my frames. Poop.

If that isn't an advertisement for a super challenging toddler right there, I don't know what is! 😂😂😂

Then for some unknown reason we decided to take her to lunch at Panera. I won't go into details because it still makes me exasperated to think about it but I came so close to (excuse my french) absolutely losing my shit with her in a public place, which I have never ever done. Ugh. So home we went and all took naps to cool off.

The evening went *better*, and because we're absolute gluttons for punishment we took both kids to El Fenix for dinner. With the aid of the iPad we had a slightly less frustrating meal, but bedtime totally sucked, and now I'm just hoping for any sort of improvement tomorrow.

I know a lot if it is just her age, but dang she is so strong willed, and some of it is we've just spoiled the crap out of her and now we're having to try to backtrack and fix the attitude problem. *sigh* Lessons in parenting….

I spent some time organizing and cleaning out my beads that I'm not going to use tonight and so that settled me a little. Organizing always makes me feel a little more put together for some reason!

Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow!