My weirdness is shining through…

My weirdness is shining through, but those of you who REALLY know me won’t be surprised….

I don’t have a ton to say today about being a parent, or mommying, or my kiddos, or any of that jazz, but I do have a photo of the super fun peg-family I had made of us around Christmastime that I totally forgot to share.  I totally love it, and it’s totally nerdy to have a peg-family replica.  😉



While Wyatt had a MUCH better night and day today, Tatum had probably her worst in a while. She worked Wade and I to the absolute max…

She woke up fairly cranky, and it just got worse from there. We headed to the Farmers Market in McKinney for a little outing and I wrapped Wyatt for a little more practice and she was supposedly going to walk, but instead she tripped (AGAIN) on these damn sandals she has that she insists on wearing everywhere and skinned her left knee. It wasn't bad, but if you know Tatum you know it was a drama fest that ended with her insisting she couldn't walk and making Wade carry her. I wish I'd brought the onbu so I could have worn them both, but I doubt Wade would have let me do that anyway since that makes him look kinda jerky walking all unencumbered while I haul two kids around! Lol!

Of course they also had pony rides and we couldn't get out of there without doing that. At least she was happy for the couple minutes that was going on!

We headed to Lonestar to drop off more stuff for the booth and I ended up taking her in with me while Wade stayed with Wyatt in the car. I'm just realizing I placed the grey frame on the right way too high for someone of normal height so I'm going to have to get back up there this coming week and redo my frames. Poop.

If that isn't an advertisement for a super challenging toddler right there, I don't know what is! 😂😂😂

Then for some unknown reason we decided to take her to lunch at Panera. I won't go into details because it still makes me exasperated to think about it but I came so close to (excuse my french) absolutely losing my shit with her in a public place, which I have never ever done. Ugh. So home we went and all took naps to cool off.

The evening went *better*, and because we're absolute gluttons for punishment we took both kids to El Fenix for dinner. With the aid of the iPad we had a slightly less frustrating meal, but bedtime totally sucked, and now I'm just hoping for any sort of improvement tomorrow.

I know a lot if it is just her age, but dang she is so strong willed, and some of it is we've just spoiled the crap out of her and now we're having to try to backtrack and fix the attitude problem. *sigh* Lessons in parenting….

I spent some time organizing and cleaning out my beads that I'm not going to use tonight and so that settled me a little. Organizing always makes me feel a little more put together for some reason!

Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow!


Whew, rough day for Wyatt, but hopefully things will be looking up soon!

After his epic barfing yesterday I was somewhat prepared for the cluster that today's feedings have been. He's been getting progressively more fussy/grunty over the last couple days especially at night when he's laying flat, and so I was thinking we didn't have much longer until we'd probably have to try switching to Similac Alimentum. At his 5:15am feeding I got barfed all over with not much warning, and then poor Alli got soaked doing the 8:45 feeding. 😢 Poor kid was really restless and grumpy most of the afternoon and the only real time he fell asleep was after I wrapped him. I DID manage an awesome baby manicure this morning, so there's that! Take the small wins, right?

I practiced wrapping with him when he couldn't really get comfortable to go to sleep, and behold….. the WRAP NAP!!!

I love this wrap, it's "Pavo Lobsters Real" and it's gorgeous! The Carry is called FWCC (I have no idea what that stands for) and I'm going to try it tomorrow with a different wrap. It was surprisingly easy to achieve, so I was excited about that!

Got a lot done today since Wyatt was up so much it precluded a nap, so I got Divine Consign entered, more inventory made and entered for Lonestar, the guest/craft/office closet reorganized, helped a friend with some computer stuff, and generally just felt super productive. Go me! *pat on the back*

Then, we ruined it all by taking the kids out to dinner. Lol! Wyatt slept right through it but Tatum was a total PITA. She wasn't *bad* per-se but just really obnoxious and difficult. Remind me next time #SuperMom knows better than to take two kids under 3 out to dinner on a Friday night.

We started Wyatt on the alimentum two feedings ago, we'll see how this goes. I think I may also let him sleep in the Rock n Play tonight since the incline seems to help his comfort level. Hope some of that works because we're kind of running out of low-key options to try!!

Night all, until tomorrow!!!


I managed a little more productivity out of my day today!  While our sitter was still here this morning watching Wyatt I made it over to the storage unit and unearthed my pre-pregnancy clothes.  Why on earth I took them to the storage unit I have no idea, but the good news is I have some clothes that aren’t falling off me again!  =)

After that I packed Wyatt up and we headed off for our first (and now LAST) adventure of going to the grocery store with a month old baby.  Holy cow, even with wearing him in a ring sling it was one of the more exhausting hours of my life.  He did GREAT, don’t get me wrong, but there’s some issues that I didn’t really think through, like how you grab a 36 pack of bottled water and put it on the bottom of the cart with an infant in a ring sling.  I’m sure I’ll get it eventually, but for now I think the ordering groceries online for pickup is the way to go for sure!

A little grocery store funny: Another customer at Walmart approached me in line and said “Hey, didn’t I see you here last week with your dad and a different kid?  You didn’t have this one?!”  I responded with “Oh, you mean the toddler having the meltdown because Granddaddy was holding her when she wanted Mama to hold her, yeah, that was me!”  She pointed at Wyatt questioningly and I said, “He was at home with his Grandma, I’m crazy, but not insane. Two kids those ages in the grocery store? LOL”

So now I’m getting recognized by other random Walmart customers. A level of fame I never thought I’d achieve. =)

Check out how exhausted I look.  I can tell you’re impressed.  *grin*