What they should REALLY teach you…

Today I want to talk about what they SHOULD be teaching you in these “New Parent / Taking Care of Baby” classes they put on right around the same time you’re taking childbirth classes!

Wade and I took these when we were preparing for Tatum.  My personal favorite moment was when the instructor handed Wade an anatomically correct baby doll and asked him how you clean before you re-diaper.  His response?  “Um, that’s why I’m here?”

My how things have changed for us this second time around.  Even with the first kiddo!!  EVERY DAY there’s something new that I think to myself, why didn’t they tell me THIS in class?  THAT would have been helpful!

So here’s my take on if “Child Rearing” was a college degree (and it probably SHOULD be), what the course load might look like….. hypothetically speaking.

Fluid Volumes 101: Put 4oz in, seconds later 20oz comes back out. Still amazed by this one.

Diapering 101: I’ve decided lately that this should be a practical lab. Each student gets a completely greased up octopus that’s been injected with copious amounts of sugar or coke or whatever you need to make an octopus insane (I didn’t say this was going to be accurate, right?) and a pack of diapers.  Your grade depends on how well you can get ONE DIAPER on.  For the love of Pete, y’all, how ONE 22lb kid can squirm and worm and twist at that speed with that amount of force is completely beyond my comprehension.

Diapering 102: Same as above, however this time you get zinc oxide based diaper cream and you have to get it evenly spread on the privates without making a mess.  Really this should probably be a doctorate level class…

Teething 101: Aw hell. Probably best to just sleep in and skip this class. Otherwise you might never have kids.

Toddler Supervision 103: This should probably be a practical lab too.  I’m thinking grease up a piglet and piss it off and then let it loose in a toy store. You have to hold on to it for as long as you can. If you lose it, you have to go find it and regain control. (Bonus points if you can be super stealthy about it so the other parents don’t know that’s YOUR kid running wild and without a parent in sight.)

Eating Out With Kids 101: This one is kind of simple actually.  Don’t do it. I’m serious. Save your sanity.  If you MUST do it, take an electronic device as a crutch. Don’t be afraid of judgement, we ALL swore we would NEVER be THAT parent, and look at us now. I’m not ashamed to say I’ve leaned on that digital crutch a time or two (or maybe several hundred), and if you have ever been in a restaurant with my kids when they’re reaching critical mass, you should THANK ME for saving your dinner.  In the words of Maui from Moana, YOU’RE WELCOME.

Bedtime 102: Good lord, don’t even.


Hostage Negotiation: This one you NEED TO ATTEND. For real. I don’t even think we need police negotiators, just grab the nearest mom of a 3-4 year old if you want a PRO to handle the job.  My negotiating skills have NEVER been more on-point than they are at this point in my life. Mama got skills, y’all.

I’m sure there’s all kinds of bonus class opportunities I’m missing here, like perhaps:

  • Toddler Extraction Techniques (For when you’re ready to leave, and they’re NOT.)
  • Feeding Negotiation (Stuff they NEED to be eating, rather than stuff they WANT.)
  • Sticking to your Guns (especially helpful for daddies of daughters, AHEM, Wade)
  • Sticker Behavior Charts 102
  • Medicating your 1-4 year old (no, not THAT kind of medication, I’m talking actual medical necessity ha!)
  • Maintaining your cool, even when you’re not.
  • etc.

I mean, really, the list is endless.  How about “Not Saying Things You Don’t Want Repeated” – I’m ridiculously bad at that one.  I would have failed that class for sure.

What are some lessons the rest of you parental types have learned that you NEVER in a million years thought would be a skill or experience you would ever need?  I’d love to hear others opinions!



Let’s see, biggest news first… apparently the Pars Planitis is flaring back up again.  I’m really disappointed/discouraged because it’s only been a month since I got cleared after an entire month on hardcore steroids.  So I have another month of hardcore steroids to look forward to.  =(  The good news is they don’t know why I’m having problems with this as all my blood tests came back negative, so at least it’s not something BAD, but it seems to like to pop up when I really NEED my vision to be clear and not have a splitting migraine for days on end.  Oh well, back to the sweat fest that is steroids….  =(

The home reno project is coming along.  The fireplace is looking AWESOME, I can’t wait to post pics of it with the crown molding we’re currently doing up top.  Once this thing is painted and the stone is put it it’s going to look freaking amazing.  Wade is a serious genius.  The tile was supposed to be delivered today, but apparently the delivery guy decided to stack one pallet of it on top of the other, took a corner too fast, and the top pallet came crashing off of it and was completely destroyed.  Then they had to go get another pallet to replace that from another store…. THEN they apparently put all three pallets in the back room of the store and forgot to deliver it.  *sigh*  Ugh.  So SUPPOSEDLY the tile will get delivered tomorrow, but we’ll see.  We’re still on track to start install on Monday the 25th, and my next couple days will be clearing out all the stuff in the pantry, hall closet, and the stuff in the hutch and island so we can move all this furniture out of here.  Seriously, it’s like moving.  I hate moving. =/

I did manage to convince Wade that since we were moving the stove out of the kitchen ANYWAY to tile underneath it that I needed a new stove.  =)  I went out and bought a beaut today and I can’t wait for it to be delivered!  =P

The kiddos are doing great!  Tatum is doing AWESOME with her potty training.  The second we took the pressure off and decided we didn’t care and she could go at her own pace was the second she started being stellar at it!  She even asked to go to the potty tonight out at a restaurant and we had our first #2 away from the house/school.  Woot!!!  We may get her out of pull-ups yet!

We’re still struggling through the formula thing with Wyatt but it’s getting better and he’s still growing so I’m trying not to obsess over it as much as I have been.  My SIL says “Watch the baby, not the oz” and our pediatrician says the same.  That’s tough for me, but I’m trying!  Maybe he just has a better metabolism than the average baby?  =)

Some pictures to round out my post!  Enjoy!

OH! I almost forgot, made this “Inside Out Stuffed Pepper” recipe last night and it was super simple and VERY good!  I added Italian Seasonings to mine and a little extra tomato sauce, but it was Hanchar Fam approved, even by Tatum!!!

9/4/17 Labor Day

I haven’t posted much lately, but all this weekend we’ve been in the throes of potty training and while the first day went relatively well, the last couple days have been meh… I swear this kid will never get potty trained, she just doesn’t seem to care when she goes on herself. It’s the total opposite of the way I thought she would be. I guess I’m just going to send her to school tomorrow with extra clothes and see what happens! Man, toddlers are tough!!!

We saw lots of friends this weekend! Cory, Emily, Landon, and Logan came over today and the kids had a blast!!! Yesterday we saw Claire and her family at their house, and Saturday morning we met some new friends at our neighborhood park!

We also put Tatum’s dollhouse together on Sunday, what a crazy cool gigantic toy that is!! She loves it!

Looking forward to some time with just Wyatt home tomorrow! 😜 I still need to get over to Lonestar, Stacie and I had a GREAT first month there especially considering it was only open half the month! I’m hoping the momentum continues!

Some pics from this weekend:



Wyatt turned two months old yesterday, and he had his 2 month appointment with the pediatrician today!  He’s gained some good weight, but still isn’t really eating as much as the doc thinks he should per day.  At least he’s gaining weight!

His Two Month Stats:

-11 pounds, 5 ounces (25th percentile)

-23 inches tall (48th percentile)

-41 cm head size (94th percentile, the Ukranium is strong with this kid!)

He also got three shots which have made him feel pretty crappy this evening.  He’s been fussy but mostly just wants to sleep, and he’s not eating much today either.  Hoping he’ll perk up some tomorrow – just feel really bad for him. =(

In other news, we picked out a wood-look tile for our house today!!  It’s the one in the bottom right two pictures.  We started with 6 different options we’d picked out and fairly quickly narrowed it down to two, then we actually managed to both agree on which one out of the two we liked the best.  That doesn’t always happen!  =)  Now we just have to buy the tile and find a good tile guy to install!  We’re going to put it in the living/dining, kitchen, foyer, down both hallways, the guest bathroom, and the laundry room.  Eventually we’ll put it in the master bathroom/closet but we’re going to just buy the tile for that and wait until we have the master bathroom remodeled.  Doesn’t make sense to put the tile in there now and then have it get messed up when we do a total redo of that bathroom.  I’m really excited, I think it’ll look really awesome (and hold less allergens for the kids!)


Tater took a trip to Home Depot with Daddy this evening after school.  She announced that this storage shed was “Her Farm” and had a blast exploring it.  I’m sure the Home Depot people were thrilled to have a threenager running through their displays, but hey, that’s what happens when you leave Daddy in charge. *grin*


More pictures!!

Let’s see, my day in order of pictures:

I attended Baby Boot Camp for the first time today in an effort to look less like I’m still 5 months pregnant. After today I’m really regretting letting myself go between babies. Man, am I painfully out of shape!! At this point I’m coming to dread hearing these exercise terms like “Burpees” and whatnot, but I’m sure if I stick with it it’ll get easier. I’m hoping anyway! Anyway, I got there early and had a little fan section of brewery cats to play with. They stayed pretty interested in me and my towel and stroller the whole time. Lol!! BBC was held at a brewery which I find ironic, but it was actually a really nice, low-key location and the ladies in class were very nice!

The flower is from my turmeric plant that I got from a gardening friend last year! I’m super happy it bloomed, and that means it’s apparently happy where I put it!

Of course the big news of the day was the eclipse. I didn’t manage to get any good photos myself so all of these are photos I stole from friends!! Really cool to see in person, and it looks like we’ll have a total eclipse here in Dallas in several years! The kids will be old enough for that one and I think it’ll be really neat!!

Finally my “Sun’s Out, Guns Out” photo of Wyatt. =P I really love that photo of him. Lol!!


I’m just going to start with the pictures since I know that’s all anyone ever looks at anyway lol!

Had a pretty good day today!! Started the day with something exciting that I can’t talk about right now but it’s pretty big/good news from our perspective. We took Tatum to the grand opening event at Lonestar Mercantile this morning and MAN what a crowd!! Stacie and I had pretty good sales today and I’m excited for what is hopefully to come from the booth there!

After nap we had Avery’s third birthday party and Tatum had a blast! She loves playing with her friends! ❤️ Can’t wait for Tatum’s pony party next month, I think all the kiddos will flip over that one!!

Tomorrow we’re headed to the flea market for our monthly pony ride and kettle corn and then not really sure what we’ll do after that besides dinner with the fam! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!!


Momming hard this evening!

Wade got back from out of town about 11pm last night. As of right now, 8:30pm on Friday night he is approaching his 14th hour of working today and I am kind of single-parenting it. I just caught Tatum swinging from the bars of her carriage bed like a monkey, and Wyatt is restless and won’t sleep. Send alcohol, y’all, it’s getting real up in here.

Big news this week:

-I had my eye recheck with the specialist and as of right now the Pars Planitis seemed to respond great to the month of oral steroids and is now gone! Let’s Home it stays that way!!

-My booth has done pretty well its first 5 days of being open and I’ve made some really good sales!!! Really encouraged by this and hope it keeps up!!

I’ve had a lot of fun with my mom this week, she came over Tuesday to spend the week with me and the kids. She was such a huge help!! I’m really missing her a lot right now with Wade still stuck working. I’m hoping he doesn’t get screwed this weekend so we can have some family time! I promised Tatum we could go ride the ponies this weekend at the flea market and we have Avery’s birthday party tomorrow evening that she’s really looking forward to!

Someone partied a little too hard. 😜

On to the weekend!!!


I have been so lame and haven't blogged at all in a while. I've been sick with this upper respiratory my sweet three year old passed on to me and between that and taking care of the kiddos I just haven't had much energy for blogging!

We had a good weekend though, two wonderful birthday parties for Tatum's friends on Saturday, and Sunday we had family breakfast followed by a trip to High Street Antiques, a nap, and then dinner with the grandparents!!

Monday I had my grand opening at Lonestar, and I sold two things and was super excited!! I was going to be so disappointed if I didn't sell a thing the first day! Of course, I spent way more than I made… I'll have to watch that 😜

Today I spent the day knocking a few things off my To Do list!! Got my beads all organized (again, it never ends I swear), the guest room cleaned up for my mom to stay with us this week (Wade is out of town), laundry done, planning done, AND the big one… the hall closet completely cleaned out!!! That was a BIG one I really wanted to get done!

I seriously have enough wrapping paper that I will have to will it to my children…

Mom and I took Tatum to get her hair cut this afternoon then took the kiddos to dinner. Tatum was SUPER good this evening for everything from her hair to going to bed. I was really proud of her and made sure to tell her how happy I was with her. She seemed really pleased with herself. 🙂

Tomorrow I have nothing planned, but I'm sure mom and I can get into something! 😜 Have a good night, interwebz!


Well…. I quit my job today.

It’s kind of a shock for me really, I’ve been managing that place for 9 years and it’s become, well, kind of “mine”.  But the time has come for me to try something new, and I really want to spend more time with my kiddos before they’re grown.  This is time with them I’ll never get back and I don’t want to miss out on it.  It was a really tough decision for me to make, but I’m confident it was the right one.  I’ll still fill in here and there for vacations and/or people calling in sick occasionally, but technically as of right now I’m officially unemployed, and it feels kind of weird.

I have to say though, the one thing I won’t miss?  Catering to these crazy-ass high maintenance dog owners every single day.  =)  I don’t think there’s a person in their right mind that would miss that, and it has honestly been wearing on my sanity for a while.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job and I loved *most* of my customers, and I loved my coworkers, but there’s that “Special” few, you know?  The absolute crazies.  =)  That’s who I won’t miss.

So this will start the new chapter on my new “Stay at Home Mom” lifestyle, and we’ll see how well I cope. =)  I’m looking forward to spending time with my new booth at Lonestar Mercantile and that’s something I can take the kids with me when I need to as I only really need to go up there to restock and rearrange (and shop!). I’m looking forward to trying new crafts and finally having time to put together those scrapbooks I’ve been putting off for years.  And I’m having fun meal planning and trying new recipes out as well!  I’ve been surprised so far at how full my days have been just with the tasks I give myself to do every day, and how quickly time passes during the day, so I’m hopeful I won’t go too stir crazy.  =)

So here’s to new adventures!  Onward and upward!  ❤


Man, rough day today!! Tatum is doing a lot better but MAN she was a handful today and I had them both by myself as my poor mom is super sick too! It also feels like Wade and I are coming down with whatever it is and I'm pretty sure Wyatt has some degree of it as well as he's not seemed to feel very well the last couple days either. Yuck.

As a friend said, her cheese face is on point! 😂😬

In spite of how challenging she was being, I actually got more done than I expected today! I finished up thank you cards, got almost all of the birth announcements addressed and stamped and ready to mail, some laundry done, and I even made dinner thanks to my Instant Pot!

I tried a new recipe tonight! IP Chicken Pot Pie Casserole! It tasted amazing!! Wade went back for seconds and I have a TON leftover for dinner tomorrow. Super easy recipe too:

After dinner I sent Tatum out to the backyard to run off some steam with Wade and Wyatt and I vegged out for a few!

I love his "praying mantis" pose. I trimmed his fingernails again tonight so you can actually see his hands instead of mittens! 🙂

OH!!! I also added some new Pyrex to the collection by way of winning two raffles!!! I'm most excited about the Pink Gooseberry set!! It's been on my wish list for a while but price-wise out of my reach really!!! Thank you raffle!!!! I'm really loving them!

This is also the first two pieces of Snowflake Garland I've gotten, so I have to decide if I'm up to starting a new pattern or not. Lol!! They're really pretty!

Tomorrow I have lunch with my boss, then I'm gunning for a real good nap in the afternoon because Tatum's butt is going back to school!!! Whoop!!!