What they should REALLY teach you…

Today I want to talk about what they SHOULD be teaching you in these “New Parent / Taking Care of Baby” classes they put on right around the same time you’re taking childbirth classes!

Wade and I took these when we were preparing for Tatum.  My personal favorite moment was when the instructor handed Wade an anatomically correct baby doll and asked him how you clean before you re-diaper.  His response?  “Um, that’s why I’m here?”

My how things have changed for us this second time around.  Even with the first kiddo!!  EVERY DAY there’s something new that I think to myself, why didn’t they tell me THIS in class?  THAT would have been helpful!

So here’s my take on if “Child Rearing” was a college degree (and it probably SHOULD be), what the course load might look like….. hypothetically speaking.

Fluid Volumes 101: Put 4oz in, seconds later 20oz comes back out. Still amazed by this one.

Diapering 101: I’ve decided lately that this should be a practical lab. Each student gets a completely greased up octopus that’s been injected with copious amounts of sugar or coke or whatever you need to make an octopus insane (I didn’t say this was going to be accurate, right?) and a pack of diapers.  Your grade depends on how well you can get ONE DIAPER on.  For the love of Pete, y’all, how ONE 22lb kid can squirm and worm and twist at that speed with that amount of force is completely beyond my comprehension.

Diapering 102: Same as above, however this time you get zinc oxide based diaper cream and you have to get it evenly spread on the privates without making a mess.  Really this should probably be a doctorate level class…

Teething 101: Aw hell. Probably best to just sleep in and skip this class. Otherwise you might never have kids.

Toddler Supervision 103: This should probably be a practical lab too.  I’m thinking grease up a piglet and piss it off and then let it loose in a toy store. You have to hold on to it for as long as you can. If you lose it, you have to go find it and regain control. (Bonus points if you can be super stealthy about it so the other parents don’t know that’s YOUR kid running wild and without a parent in sight.)

Eating Out With Kids 101: This one is kind of simple actually.  Don’t do it. I’m serious. Save your sanity.  If you MUST do it, take an electronic device as a crutch. Don’t be afraid of judgement, we ALL swore we would NEVER be THAT parent, and look at us now. I’m not ashamed to say I’ve leaned on that digital crutch a time or two (or maybe several hundred), and if you have ever been in a restaurant with my kids when they’re reaching critical mass, you should THANK ME for saving your dinner.  In the words of Maui from Moana, YOU’RE WELCOME.

Bedtime 102: Good lord, don’t even.


Hostage Negotiation: This one you NEED TO ATTEND. For real. I don’t even think we need police negotiators, just grab the nearest mom of a 3-4 year old if you want a PRO to handle the job.  My negotiating skills have NEVER been more on-point than they are at this point in my life. Mama got skills, y’all.

I’m sure there’s all kinds of bonus class opportunities I’m missing here, like perhaps:

  • Toddler Extraction Techniques (For when you’re ready to leave, and they’re NOT.)
  • Feeding Negotiation (Stuff they NEED to be eating, rather than stuff they WANT.)
  • Sticking to your Guns (especially helpful for daddies of daughters, AHEM, Wade)
  • Sticker Behavior Charts 102
  • Medicating your 1-4 year old (no, not THAT kind of medication, I’m talking actual medical necessity ha!)
  • Maintaining your cool, even when you’re not.
  • etc.

I mean, really, the list is endless.  How about “Not Saying Things You Don’t Want Repeated” – I’m ridiculously bad at that one.  I would have failed that class for sure.

What are some lessons the rest of you parental types have learned that you NEVER in a million years thought would be a skill or experience you would ever need?  I’d love to hear others opinions!


Wow, it has been a LONG time…..

So, like almost everything I start with good intentions, this blog has gone by the wayside. LOL!  So sue me, I have a commitment problem. =)

Let’s see….  The Stay at Home Momming thing is going pretty smooth!  Of course, I have the threenager in daycare still so technically I only have Wyatt and myself to care for, but still, I’m feeling fairly good about it.  Ha!  I have dinner on the table, laundry done, bills paid, and even still have time to crank out my crafts AND I’ve started a new booth at The Hilltop Cottage in Sunnyvale!  If you live locally, you NEED to go check that place out, it’s super cute and the owners are AMAZING people!  Love them!

Wyatt is now almost 7 months old!!  Can you believe it??  Time flies by so fast!  Tatum continues to both completely entertain and completely frustrate me with her antics, but I’m guessing that’s just what being a Threenager is all about.  I’m getting ready to read a book recommended to me by a friend, “1-2-3 Magic”, and I’m hoping that will give me some insight on how to curb some of her more….. undesirable behaviors.  The other issue we’re having right now is potty training.  She was doing AMAZING for 5-6 weeks and all of a sudden she has absolutely no interest in using the potty anymore.  She’ll still go #2 in the potty probably 95% of the time, but peeing happens anywhere and everywhere and no matter what I try I just get “It’s ok, Mommy, I’m not potty trained”.

Cue beating my head against a wall….  *sigh*

The other nightmare we’re having right now is bedtime.  I’ve tried just about everything there too and am hugely unsuccessful.  She doesn’t cry or scream or any of that, she just plays by herself in her bed….. for HOURS after we put her to bed.  It doesn’t seem to affect her if I take her animals away, or threaten anything else for that matter, even if I follow through.  Someone tell me this is a phase and it will end.  I’ll give you cookies.

My eyes have improved, I started immunosuppressants beginning of December, and had a checkup last Friday.  He was really pleased with my progress, and I’VE been really pleased that my eyesight has started clearing up and my headaches are coming now few and far between….  YAY!!!  The immunosuppressants are a little scary, but hopefully I’ll only be on them for a year and then they’ll wean me off and see if my immune system can reset itself.  Time will tell, I guess.  I did end up totally embarrassing myself today as I went to get my CBC/Chem Panel drawn (to make sure the drugs aren’t wrecking my liver among other issues) and for the first time in years I passed out while getting my blood drawn….. TWICE.  Super embarrassing because I had taken Baby Wyatt with me and one poor nurse had to look after him while the other one tried to keep me from falling out of the chair both times.  UGH.  I seriously thought I was past that, but I guess not.  =(  I probably wouldn’t have passed out the second time but the person taking my blood decided to launch into the gory story of why she hates the dentist as I was coming around from the first time and that just did me in a second time.  =(  I’m such a weenie.

Some good news though, (though if you’re on my facebook or instagram at all, you already know this), we’re getting a puppy!!!  Her name is Biscuit and she comes home TOMORROW.  She’s an 8 week old Border Collie puppy and I couldn’t be more excited!  Tatum is pretty amped up about it too, and I plan to use them both to wear each other out!  One of Tatum’s “chores” is going to be to “help” me with the evening walk, and also help me with her evening feeding and potty times.  I’m hoping the sense of responsibility will help her with her little hard-headed phase she’s going through.  She does love to help, so I think she’s going to really enjoy having some little jobs to do.


How can you not go nuts over that cute little face?? (pictured at 6 weeks)

We also finished off the fireplace and tiling projects and I can’t get over how amazing our house looks.  Of course, it’s now COVERED in toddler and baby toys and whatnot, but hey, living the dream right?  Of course we are.  =)  Two kids, a dog, and a cat.  Isn’t that the “All-American Family?”  =P

More to come tomorrow after I pick up Miss Biscuit!  And I hope to keep this a tad more updated now, but we’ll see how that goes….  LOL!